Representatives of the state-owned Chinese corporation Liaoyu will hold a business meeting, during which they will discuss prospects for cooperation and joint development with interested participants of Seafood Expo Russia.
Liaoyu is the largest diversified government agency in China's fishing industry with a rich history and the highest reputation. The corporation's assets include fishing enterprises with their own fleet, coastal processing plants, port and warehouse infrastructure, shipbuilding and repair bases, cargo and passenger ships, their own distribution channels for fish products, etc.
The business meeting will be devoted to discussing a wide range of practical issues of cooperation in terms of fishing, logistics and trade in fish products. Fishing and transport and logistics companies are invited to participate.
The business meeting will take place on the second day of Global Fishery Forum & Seafood Expo Russia, September 28, at 10:00 in conference hall F200 on the second floor between pavilions F and E.
Participation in the event is by appointment. If you are interested, please contact: Anna Tolkacheva, +74999224417,